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Leveraging Real-Time Data for a Meaningful Customer Experience

Health plans know that better member engagement can lead to improved health behaviors as well as enhanced customer satisfaction. That is why they are investing in creating a meaningful member experience.

Enhanced customer satisfaction leads to improved star ratings and other scores, boosting a plan’s ability to attract and retain new members and enabling them to maintain a competitive edge over the challengers in their markets.

While health plans have begun to embrace innovation and many have launched digital transformations over the past several years, these efforts are highly dependent on access to accurate, real-time data. Without it, even the most innovative initiatives to boost member engagement and satisfaction will fall flat. Up-to-the-minute data unlocks critical insights into why, when, and how to engage and interact with members.

Clear communications and the prerequisite ability to provide current, complete, and accurate information to quickly address and resolve issues are crucial aspects of creating a meaningful member experience. If an organization does not have access to the most up-to-date data, they risk not only missed opportunities for interaction or intervention, but critical communication breakdowns with members and other stakeholders. Access to real-time data and analytics allows health plans to quickly interpret and share information, allowing for faster and more effective communication, driving more informed decisions, and actionable next steps.

Health plans also need clear, real-time insights to identify where they can improve and where they should focus their time and effort. If an organization invests money and resources implementing member engagement tools and time bolstering its offerings, it is crucial to track how these efforts are performing with their membership.

With legacy systems, the integration of data sources with today’s analytics and engagement tools can be cumbersome and expensive and neutralizes a plan’s ability to proactively make improvements that impact member satisfaction.

Leveraging access to comprehensive, real-time data is one of the keys to health plan success in today’s world. It enables them to engage more meaningfully with their members, collaborate more effectively with their providers, identify opportunities for continuous improvement, measure the results, and ultimately help their members actively engage in their care and achieve healthier outcomes.