Life at HealthEdge

Culture of Belonging

We’re proud of our culture of belonging, where our goal is for everyone to feel included, seen and heard. Our culture brings together diverse backgrounds, different points of view and unique talents. We come together to learn, give back to our communities and have fun.

Group of diverse healthcare professionals collaborating in a modern office space, symbolizing a culture of belonging and teamwork in the healthcare industry.

Paths for Contribution



Everyone Belongs

Our employees bring unique perspectives and experiences to HealthEdge, enabling us to learn from one another. iBelong was founded to create a space for employees to share different viewpoints and discuss diversity, equity and inclusion topics. The group meets monthly and promotes issues and special events on LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, gender equity and more.

Culture club

Culture Club

Having Fun

The Culture Club fosters a sense of belonging and supports initiatives that unite employees. The group focuses on three pillars – giving back, growing and learning, and having fun. The employee-led club meets regularly to develop engaging activities for employees to connect with our local communities and each other. The Culture Club has something for everyone, from volunteering to virtual game nights.

Healthedge cares

HealthEdge Cares

Giving Back

HealthEdge Cares supports charitable organizations that align with our mission and vision. Employees help select the causes we support and actively participate by volunteering, conducting donation drives and fundraising.

Paths for Recognition

Healthedge rockstars

HE Rockstars

Employee Shout Outs

We believe employees should be recognized for a job well done, no matter how big or small. HE Rockstars is our dedicated social channel for just that. Any employee can give someone kudos for being an HE Rockstar for going the extra mile, assisting on a project or saving the day with a customer.

Paths for Growth

Professional development

Professional Development

Employees can refresh or learn a new skill through LinkedIn Learning, an online learning platform offered to all team members. Our Emerging Leaders program provides in-depth training to up-and-coming managers to help them prepare for a role in management. Additionally, current managers are provided programs to enhance their leadership and management competencies.

Healthcare professionals engaged in a discussion about HealthEdge's EDGEcelerate Program.

Education and Training

Our employees must stay current with the latest industry trends and regulations. HealthEdge University provides the training required to meet these demands, so employees are equipped to serve our customers with innovative products and services.



HealthEdge provides internships year-round, with an extensive summer internship program providing additional learning and networking opportunities. Interns are assigned a mentor and get real-world experience in healthcare technology. Many of our interns come back for multiple terms and join us full-time upon graduation.