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Case Study: VillageCare

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In the realm of health plans, data can either pose a challenge or become a source of strength. This piece spotlights how VillageCare, a community-based organization serving nearly 20,000 individuals in New York, leveraged business intelligence to accelerate its digital transformation. The focus is on addressing data challenges such as unreliable member and provider data, inefficient processes, and inaccurate payment and claims processes.

VillageCare's Chief Information Officer, Stuart Myer, shared insights into their digital transformation journey in a recent webinar. The initiative prioritized business intelligence, data accuracy, and information exchange. Key steps included finding the right technology partner, establishing a central source of truth, using standards like FHIR for data flow, and implementing new processes to maintain data hygiene.

The result?

VillageCare improved access to accurate data, enhanced care outcomes, reduced costs, and ensured better quality and compliance. This underscores the critical role of business intelligence in health plans, offering a blueprint for other organizations aiming to harness their data for strategic advantage.

To learn more about enhancing your business intelligence strategy as part of a digital transformation, visit HealthEdge.