3 Healthcare Market Trends Driving the Need for Advanced Regulatory Support
The complex landscape of state and federal healthcare regulations continues to evolve, requiring payers to invest in technologies that support their compliance efforts. Next-generation Core Administrative Processing Systems (CAPS) can be adaptable and scalable solutions that help provide resilience to market changes.
1. Coverage and Pricing Transparency
Regulations like the No Surprises Act (NSA) and Transparency in Coverage Final Rule focus on protecting health plan members from surprise out-of-network costs. Compliance requires that payers have access to accurate and updated pricing data in order to configure relevant services and deliver personalized information to members. To ensure compliance, health plans must be able to easily implement payment policies and deliver accurate and automated payments.
2. Interoperability and Prior Authorization
Increasingly, healthcare regulators are emphasizing the importance of interoperability and streamlined data sharing. Technology adoption skyrocketed after the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for integration between care management solutions and other health technologies. This includes leveraging Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) across digital solutions to enable seamless and secure data exchange, as well as support compliance to the CMS Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F).
2025 is also a year of preparation for health plans, as they improve prior authorization processes ahead of the finalized enforcement anticipated in 2027.
3. Increase Market Visibility with New Lines of Business
Health plan members—especially Medicare members—have a variety of choices when it comes to healthcare coverage. And their expectations for a health plan experience are high. To retain and attract members, payers are increasingly looking for ways to improve member experiences and build their trust.
Health plans have new opportunities to debut and expand lines of business. Whether to meet new demands from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or take advantage of the rise of individual products and exchanges, health plans must stay on top of industry shifts to maintain their market positions. Updated healthcare CAPS can help payers bring new and differentiated benefits to the market in less time, giving payers more flexibility to meet a variety of member needs while remaining competitive.
Next-Generation CAPS Features that Support Compliance
These are just a few of the regulations health plans must abide by. Noncompliance results in expensive fines and increases abrasion with providers and members—especially when it comes to government lines of business. To meet these demands, payers are investing in digital technologies that can break down data siloes, deliver actionable insights, and streamline workflows to reduce manual operations.
Three key CAPS features that support regulatory compliance include:
Flexible configuration options. Payers must be able to easily configure payment policies for NSA, out-of-network, and emergency services based on member needs.
Automated claims adjudication. Flexible payment structures allow payers to make accurate and automated payments using accurate and timely data.
Personalized price comparison tool. A next-generation CAPS can empower payers to deliver personalized cost-sharing information to members.
Gain Access to Advanced Compliance Support with HealthRules® Payer
The HealthRules® Payer solution delivers the agility and adaptability payers need to maintain regulatory compliance, design and implement benefit plans, and serve the needs of members and stakeholders. Real-time API empowers payers to generate accurate claims details before scheduled services and increase payment automation.
HealthRules Payer, designed specifically for complex needs of healthcare payers, leverages the exclusive HealthRules Language to facilitate necessary configuration changes.
What else is HealthEdge doing to support health plans to maintain regulatory compliance? When it comes to the HealthRules Payer solution, our team is dedicated to monitoring state and federal regulations to identify new guidance that may impact our payer customers.
See how your health plan can leverage a modern CAPS to stay flexible and maintain a competitive edge in the healthcare market. Read our blog post to learn more: Leverage Next-Generation CAPS to Drive Competitive Advantage and Adaptability