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Video: Source Medicare Reimbursement

Navigating the complexities of Medicare claims is increasingly challenging due to constantly evolving reimbursement policies and fee schedules. The financial impact of these complexities is substantial, with improper claims payments costing approximately $200 billion. Our solution addresses this issue by offering a unified, cloud-based platform designed for payment flexibility. This platform provides a single call and single source for CMS fee schedules and payment policies, covering all provider types and Medicare markets in the U.S.

Our comprehensive approach to Source Medicare Reimbursement significantly reduces the need for downstream payment integrity solutions. With over 25 years of experience in delivering comprehensive Medicare reimbursement services, we make it easier for health plans to establish a solid foundation, ensuring claims are paid more accurately and efficiently.

By leveraging our innovative and reliable platform, healthcare professionals can transform their reimbursement processes, improving accuracy and efficiency while mitigating financial risks associated with improper payments.