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Video: Third Party Content Value - HealthEdge Source

HealthEdge Source Savings

By using HealthEdge Source™ (Source) alongside a third-party edit library, clients can significantly reduce healthcare spending.

The following potential savings breakdowns from third-party integrations within Source highlight the savings from HeathEdge Source:

    • RJ Health: Offers a potential saving of up to 2% on a $6 Per Member Per Month (PMPM) drug spend.
    • Concert Genetics: Demonstrates a 10% savings on a $1.30 PMPM genetic testing spend.
    • MediQuant: Assists in achieving a 0.5% saving on Medicare Advantage and dual spending.

    In addition to yielding financial savings, incorporating Source’s third-party libraries helps health plans streamline manual processes, reduce maintenance efforts, and consolidate vendors within the payment integrity stack. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency, but also strengthens overall cost management strategies.

    For health plans seeking to optimize their spending while maintaining high standards of payment integrity, HealthEdge Source offers an innovative solution that ensures both efficiency and savings.