Lines of Business

Transformational Business and IT Solutions
for Every Line of Business

HealthEdge® offers an entire healthcare ecosystem – from core administration and payment integrity to care management and member engagement – to help customers of all types manage their complex needs and prepare for the future. Explore our health insurance software for health plan lines of business.

Image shows diverse healthcare professionals gathered around computer screen.


The HealthEdge integrated solution suite gives health plans with commercial business the agility to master change, offer new products, lower administrative costs and deliver value and a satisfying experience to keep enrollment numbers up.

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Lob government


Health plans seeking to pursue Medicare, Medicaid or dual eligibles lines of business need to excel at delivering care, controlling costs, ensuring regulatory compliance and supporting the shift to value-based models. HealthEdge healthcare government plans software gives you the tools and resources you need to succeed at all of the goals.

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Lob plans home host

Plans With Home and Host Capabilities

Health plans with home and host capabilities have special needs. HealthEdge solutions enable you to transform your business while supporting inter-plan operations and streamlining claims processing and reimbursement.

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Lob dental


HealthEdge solutions provide dental plans with the high throughput, accuracy and efficiency essential to keeping costs down – and ensuring success.

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Lob consultants


HealthEdge can be a powerful ally in consultants’ efforts to deliver value to their clients and support their digital transformation.

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