
Member Experience

Clinical visits and telephone communications provide an incomplete view of member health needs. Without more frequent touchpoints, healthcare providers lack the insights they need to support members across their health journeys.

The answer is to engage members more fully and provide continuous, two-way support. By delivering a superior member experience, your health plan not only becomes a trusted ally but also gains the ability to amplify and scale member support, access real-time member insights, unify the member experience, and consolidate staff workflows.

Image of female at a desk working simultaneously on her computer and iphone.

Wellframe Use Cases

Digital Care Management

Wellframe’s Digital Care Management solution reimagines the way care teams can support the clinical needs of high-risk members. By digitizing the Care Management offering, your health plan can shift support from episodic to continuous.


Clinical Advocacy

Clinical Advocacy can improve healthcare navigation by giving members access to health plan resources, making benefits information more accessible and actionable. Digitally enabled benefits navigation and member services empower health plan members to get the most out of their health benefits.


Wellframe Overview

Wellframe’s Digital Health Management solutions combine technology, information and partnership to support interpersonal healthcare connections, extending the reach of digital health to impact more lives across critical touchpoints in each member’s health journey. Through Digital Care Management and Digital Customer Service, health plan teams build trust with members and empower individuals to take control of their own health goals.

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